Monday, October 12, 2015

Cars of Instagram

Why is Instagram so popular? With the ever-increasing presence of social media there is content out there that will appeal to just about every interest and hobby. Instagram happens to be moving in the right direction because we are very visual people and it provides a setting where people can share both photos and videos that appeal to specific demographics’ interests.  Instagram has become a way for individuals to express their artistic side with the world and relate to people through common interests.

There are various automotive Instagram accounts that attract a great deal of attention from social media users.

The last account pictured above is unique in the way it goes about posting photos. @amazingcars247 is not taking the pictures they post, instead the followers are. By using a specific hashtag users can “submit” photos to be considered for posting. This is a great way to keep followers engaged and active because they want to try and get their work noticed. A user’s attempt in getting his or her photo posted on the @amazingars247 page is a way for that user to be noticed by a bigger following… 2.8 million followers to be exact. This specific page has done a great job at keeping user interaction high because the benefit is mutually beneficial for both parties.

Instagram’s places emphasis is on quality not quantity in order to catch attention from users and drive engagement. These automotive accounts are all competing for attention and popularity so they focus on trying to have the best content out of all of their competitors. The images are so visually appealing to users because each account is maximizing their efforts to produce astounding photos of eccentric vehicles. Instagram provides a platform where users can have a pleasurable and unique experience with fewer limitations compared to other social networking mediums. They can connect with specific accounts to enhance their curiosity, knowledge, and interests about the automotive world and the artistic assets that are an influential aspect of the industry. 

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