Monday, August 31, 2015

Automotive Social Media

In a world where technology is influencing all aspects of our lives, marketers are being forced to adapt to the times and become more creative in the ways they reach customers. We have become immune to a great deal of advertising efforts due to the overwhelming presence of ads all around us, which has resulted in a whole new challenge trying to market to consumers.

This advertising immunity is a hurdle that almost every industry is facing, however, the automotive industry has taken this challenge head on and has generated many successful attempts communicating with customers through the use of social media.

Being a car lover myself, I enjoy staying updated on the fast paced and ever-changing automotive industry. The strategic use of social media has proved effective for people like me who just want to be informed, as well as customers who are in the market for a car. Social media resources have made it possible to communicate with more specific customer demographics in more personal, efficient, and effective ways, which have resulted in huge successes for the automotive world.

Throughout the semester, I will discuss the various ways in which the automotive industry is using different social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc. to reach customers and interact with them on a whole new level.